M-commerce has just become beautifully
My team designed and developed mobile version of Netthandelen.no, Norways largest auction based e-commerce site for Netthandelen Holding as a group of most prominent Scandinavian e-commerce websites.
Client: Netthandelen.no
Contractor: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Lead Engineer, Architect
Technology: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: Netthandelen.no UI Framework
My responsibility was to put in life graphical design and to build front-end UI framework which will be implemented by client with existing client backend system. Client already had desktop version of the web and our task was to build mobile UI.
For more details feel free to visit project demo showcase web and pay attention on JavaScript, HTML and CSS source code.
Exo is the nation's experienced choice for infrastructure asset inspection, evaluation, remediation, and manufacturing support.
Your assets are constantly at war with the elements, and you don’t have the time or resources to track the condition of them all. You need the power to be proactive, and Exo has it.
Client: EXO Group LLC
Contractor: EXO Inc
Role: Front-End Architect
Technology: Javascript, Vue, Jest, SASS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ruby
EXO project Front-End Architect role implies a broad set of responsibilities, which includes everything from UI/UX Design through setting high level front end architectural paradigms, hands on implementations (prototyping, helping implement a feature, etc..), participating in high level requirement gathering, coaching \ mentoring, researching \ implementing new technologies and design patterns.
At the end, I've produced Vue based Front-End UI framework on top of Bootstrap framework in a form of dozens reusable UI controls.
Meet LaLa Lunchbox & breakfast
LaLa Lunchbox is the best-selling meal planning app for kids and parents and for this mobile app purposes I've built showcase web.
Client: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Engineer
Technology: WordPress as a platform, JavaScript, CSS, SASS, HTML, SVG
My role was to implement in pixel perfect manner graphical design as bunch of SVG graphic elements as a WordPress theme. Off course, everything needs to be responsive with full of JavaScript effects like mouse pointer Lala eye-tracking. Feel free to visit project showcase web.
There is many possibilities fore devs in music industry
Rhapsody International is parent company of leading streaming music services, Rhapsody and Napster. Rhapsody is the original streaming music service that gives members unlimited on-demand access to enormous music database and it brings up music to milions of worldwide users.
Client: Rhapsody International
Contractor: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Engineer/Architect
Technology: Javascript, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, jQuery
On this project Front-End Architect role implies a broad set of responsibilities, which includes, setting high level front end architectural paradigms, hands on implementations (prototyping, helping implement a feature, etc..), participating in high level requirement gathering, coaching \ mentoring, researching \ implementing new technologies and design patterns.
For Rhapsody I've developed UI framework which is used by dozen's of backend devs. Framework was builded on top of Bootstrap framework in a form of lots of UI controls and modules as Bootstrap extenders. This approach proved as a silver bullet solution because It's really hard to cover 30rd and more backend devs by one single front-end engineer.
These days just everybody likes to try to kill Facebook
For a local startup project I've designed and developed whole UI framework from the ground. Some says for Ripplo that is once more Facebook killer but however, these accusations could not deter me ... so i did my job like it is :-)
Client: Ripplo
Role: Visual Identity, UX/UI Design, Front-End Lead Engineer/Architect
Technology: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: Ripplo UI Framework
Based concept lies on idea to aggregate all google docs possibilities on one place so that users (which has +google account) can easily use their photos, videos and docs and attach and share them according to some location. Just imagine Forsquare, FAcebook and Twitter together and based on google services.
My role was was to built everything from the ground. Off course, everything which includes anything abut UI, from visual identity, UI/UX design to UI framework development.
The result of my work can be seen on project demo showcase web so feel free to visit it and if you do then pay attention on UI design and off course on JavaScript, HTML and CSS source code.
Future of mobile shopping
Konzum is one of the leading supermarket chains in Central and Eastern Europe, with revenues of 2,5 billion USD, and just over 700 stores serving 650,000 customers daily.
Client: Konzum
Contractor: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Engineer
Technology: Angular, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG
The core of this hybrid e-commerce application has been developed using single responsive HTML5 codebase that spans both Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. Powered by the mighty AngularJS framework we created an extendable app that performs fast and slick, just as native. You couldn’t tell the difference, right?
My role was to implement in pixel perfect manor graphical design and join it with Angular as a glue.
A little bit more about project you can find on project showcase web.
Beauty commerce web shop
We designed and developed mobile version of BliVakker.no, Norways largest beauty products e-commerce service.
Client: BliVakker.no
Contractor: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Lead Engineer, Architect
Technology: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: BliVakker.no UI Framework
My responsibility was to put in life graphical design and to build front-end UI framework which will be implemented by client with existing client backend system. UI framework contains a lot of UI controls which most of them is on form of jQuery plugins so there can be easily reused on different projects. Client already had desktop version of the web and our task was to build mobile UI.
For more details feel free to visit project demo showcase web and pay attention on JavaScript, HTML and CSS source code.
To ship something there is not enough to have a biker or a van, you need a real good IS also
Overseas Express is local leading shipping company with 20 years of experience in the delivery business to be supplied by 180 vehicles and which takes care of almost 350 employees and subcontractors.
Client: Overseas Express
Role: Project Manager, UX/UI Designer, Front-End Engineer/Architect
Technology: Javascript, CSS, HTML, jQuery
I had set of very responsible roles on this project. This project was builded by several companies with differed specialities and one of my responsibilities was to bring the front-end part of project to the end.
As a UX/UI Designer I've spent a lot of time with customers defining vide variety of user stories for different types of users and according to this project phase results, in a form of wireframes, I've been continue to working on graphic design.
As a Graphic designer I've produced many of app screens which I've been after all (in final development phase) implement in form of dozens HTML mocks and some of them can be founded on next few addresses:
First page
Shipping form
Track & Trace page
Delivery status page
Shipping Calculator
Off course if you take a look on mocks above pay attention on JavaScript, HTML and CSS source code.
Cattle management should be easy
For a local startup company which is famous around a world especially in US and their farmers I've made a little proof of concept project which shows up how cattle relationship management can be easy.
Client: Farmeron
Role: UX/UI Design, Front-End Engineer
Technology: backbone.js, underscore.js, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: Cattle Relation Management
Feel free to check showcase demo but be carefull, demo maybee will not working on some browsers because it use local storage JavaScript API and off courser if you like to see some cows on the list ... you'll need to put some of them in the system. Try with more then 5 cows!
"Everybody needs to share his knowledge for free"
I strongly believe that every high educated person needs to spend some time in his life to share his knowledge with others ... for free, According to this thoughts I try to periodically write something, do some performances at various tech conferences or give a public lectures on local university. Feel free to check my slideshare from time to time.
Public presentations
Decoupling Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Modern front end development
Web Platform in the Native Apps World (video inside)
JavaScript Patterns
Windows Store JavaScript Apps (video inside)
Principles of Modern Front-End - Article for regional #1 IT magazine where I try to describe some of my thoughts about how could web front-end principles could help developers in native apps world and what we could learn from web no matter of which platform we talk. Also for this purpose I've tried to define modern UI lifecycle framework based on ITIL and Lean strategy principles.
App Accessibility - I believe that every app should be accessible to vide scope of users no matter which disabilities they potentially could have. Just think about world in which music mobile apps could everyone consume. Wouldn't that be great? Well, this is potentially possible, and this is the field about what we could learn from web ... a lot.
Justice must be served
Like in the other countries Croatian Ministry of Justice is one of the largest ministries in government. Their main goal is to be fully transparent to the public and there is the place where we came on the scene. We build up a really large scale web based on one proprietary enterprise CMS solution.
Client: Croatian Ministry Of Justice
Contractor: Perpetuum Mobile Ltd.
Role: UX/UI Designer, Project Manager
Methodology: Microsoft Solution Framework
I had two very serious and very responsible roles on this project. As a project manager my goal was to put the project in life inside of scope of time, quality and money. I've been fully angered and I've spent on this project more then a year.
As a UX/UI Designer I've spent a lot of time with customers defining vide variety of user stories for different types of users and according to this project phase results, in a form of information architecture document, I've been continue to working on graphic design.
As a Graphic designer I've produced many of app screens which I've been after all (in final development phase) implement in form of dozens HTML mocks prepared for backend devs.
Lottery results in the real time
Hrvatska Lutrija is Local largest lottery house with dozens of games and international lottery houses and brands as partners. For them we've built mobile lottery gaming monitoring system so the gamers can be in toucs in the realtime.
Client: National Lottery
Contractor: Five Agency
Role: Front-End Engineer
Technology: Handlebars JS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG
The core of this hybrid e-commerce application has been developed using single responsive HTML5 codebase that spans both Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. For this purposes we've builded our custom framework that performs fast and fluid UI, just as native. Main goal is that users shouldn't know that this is hybrid app.
My role was to implement graphical design and join it with backend code, and for this purposes Handlebar JS as a JavaScript templating engine helps me a lot.
Sketching in the browser
Once more proof of concept project which shows us possibilities of browser engines and client side apps. When Microsoft released his first Surface with IE browser with Chackra JS engine they want to check some possibilities of the Surface usage in some local primary schools. So this pilot project is result of some of this test ...
Client: Microsoft Croatia
Role: Front-End Engineer
Technology: Kinetic JS, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: eNotebook
Feel free to check showcase demo but be carefull, demo maybee will not working on some browsers because it use Kinetic JS drawing library that use HTML5 canvas element which is not supported by some older browsers. The best results are on tablet devices like iPad or MS Surface.
Technology: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML
Showcase: Left navigation demo
During development I was strongly focused on my task to implement mocked navigation as better as I can with best UX that I can ship and than technology can offer in that moment.
Main goal was to develop the best UX solution for mobile phones and I’ve decided to implement possibility to open menu with swipe gesture (left to right for open menu and swipe right to left to close menu) and with navigation toggle button. Drag and drop possibilities also works on desktop browsers.
Code is extendable, well documented and I believe that is really understandable. Structure and content are strongly separated from design an UI logic. All UI components which are not part of content (e.g. rating stars, icons, navigation pointer) I’ve put in design (CSS) and there cannot be founded in content or layout markup.
There is plenty of room for improvements but everything depend of context, target audience, target devices, browsers and technology etc. And at the end I’ve decided to focus my self on the task and I did exactly this … modern UI based on clean code and web technologies flavored with good UX.
The year was 2000 ...
That was a time when the web was still young and the Flash was a new cavalier on the horizon.
Client: Radio Vallis Aurea
Role: Web Designer/Developer
Technology: Flash, HTML
Showcase: RVA
That was my very first web ever and it was made completely in Flash. Why? Well, those were other times.
Pay attention to the animated elements and the UX, which at that time did not even exist as a term.