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Time left before your invoice is closed and automatically generated:
15h : 48m : 44s
Products 1272 kr
  1. Fire skjærebrett fra Kitchenfactory
    Quantity2 Winning bid500 - kr
    Started: 23:45 - 07.08.2013
    Ended: 12:37 - 08.08.2013
    See auction page
  2. Brandsdal of Norway Fleecejakke. Mann Grønn/Grå. Velg størrelse
    Quantity1 Winning bid272 - kr
    Started: 23:45 - 07.08.2013
    Ended: 12:37 - 08.08.2013
    See auction page
Shipping 188.5 kr
  1. Handling fee 18.5 kr
  2. Shipping cost 170 kr

Shipping cost is calculated based on your shipping method and delivery address.

Shipping method change

  1. Light Posten Servicepakke
  2. Heavy Levert til nearmaste

Delivery address change

Bring CArgo, avd Kristiansand, Burdsen 29, 4636 KRISTIANSAND
Total amount 1460.5 kr

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